Join our 1-month-challenge, starting Peace Day

On 21st of September is the International Day of Peace. 

This year we would like to invite you to join our 1-month-challenge.


We would like to take this date as an occasion to inspire reflection, debate, and action on the question: 



For more information navigate the interactive Sway below


We hope you will join us and will leave us your comment below or write an email to:


Have great reflections and lots of verbaction.  

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Flavia Cardoso (Saturday, 07 October 2017 14:22)

    Hello dear friends of Pacifismology.

    I'd like to report a peace action I've made when restablishing contact with a past friend from Spiritism with whom I had some disagreement about 10 years ago.

    We used to develop a vounteer Arts/Music work in a musical band I've coordinated for about 13 years, trying to help consciexes and conscins by means of psychographed music lyrics and theatrical performances we've carried out. This friend helped a considerable deal with her excellet musical skills for vocal arrangements and percussion instrument playing. The point is that the group work started having some extraphysical interference and an atmosphere of suspicion started beigh raised. At the time I'd perceived this influence coming up and tried even to alert, but didn't really have a chance to more clearly talk to her, as she seemed blocked to a near approach. In the end, the "dark forces" prevailed and the group was dissolved.

    Today, I realize it was necessary to stop that kind of work, as I had some children's books to write in the sequence, but the way it turned out was not positive and this disturbed me a lot, because it was left in the air lots of unspokable clarifying words.

    I hadn't yet had the chance to sit down face-to-face with her, but on her birthdy in July I decided to add her as my Facebook friend, and wished her the best. She did the same on my birthday in August. Hope we can soon appoint a time to catch up and have a fresh friendship restart.

    That's it.

    Have a lovey time and hope to see you soon.

    Reaprendentia and Evolucin volunteer

  • #2

    Rosangela Lopes (Wednesday, 21 September 2022 12:19)

    Muito bom pensar sobre esse assunto. Tenho uma amiga de infância e nos afastamos sem motivo explícito.
    Vou aproveitar esse momento de reflexão e restabelecer nossa comunicação.