Invisible College for Peacestudies

Q: What is an Invisible College?

A: Robert Boyle (1627-1691) coined the term “invisible college” (which means: no building or walls)  and it was regularly used in the 17th century, being the informal predecessor of the Royal Society.


Q: Who could join this group? 

A: Our Invisible College is open for the participation of independent researchers of the subject of PEACE. 


Q: What are the objectives? 

A: The objectives of this Invisible College are 

  • to exchange regarding the topic for Peace and Pacifismology worldwide: information with focus on research, books, films, events, etc. 
  • to help connect people, who consider the develpment of peace and Pacifismology as part of their Proexis (life purpose). 
  • to develop the specialty of Pacifismology through research, writing and knowledge transfer.
  • to share and ask for help/feedback to realize personal research or relevant materials related to Pacifismology.
  • to publish the reasearch findings in articles, books, or other media. 
  • to foster exchange with other groups involved in developing internal / external peace.
  • to inform about activities and events related to Pacifismology (whether a new idea, something already in its planning stages, or some event about to happen).

Q: How does this Invisible College work?

A: The members of the College meet monthly (every 2nd Sunday) on a virtual basis (Skype), discussing several topics, aming to develop the personal and the group research. Every member could bring his research and topics to the debate. 


Q: Why participating in the Invisible College? 

A: Everyone interested to study pacification through a multidimensional approach could contribute with his (self-)research, seeking to accomplish this part of his Existential Program (Proexis, life purpose). 


Q: How is this Invisible College structured?

A: The group has a democratic structure, consisting of equal participants, contributing with their ideas and research to the results of the group.


You have more questions? 

Contact us.